12 August 2009

Who, What, and Why

As per the norm with most new sites, I find it fitting to offer an introduction about myself, the site, and a brief welcome to the site. Normally I don't go out of my way for pageantry of this nature (I'm more of a simple "Here it is" type), however this site serves several purposes. The first of which is that I like to talk, at length, whether or not anyone is actually listening. The second purpose ties closely to the first, and that is that I play World of Warcraft... a lot. Some would argue too much. The third is that I'm trying to build myself a portfolio of writing samples just in case I come across a professional blog writing or online content gig. The last reason that I'm going out of my way to produce well researched, professional articles is that, well, I'm just bored lately.

So let's start with an introduction of myself. This site isn't about my personal life; it's not about me as a person (primarily, though I do pride myself on extending several tangents beyond the original scope of a conversation, then somehow finding a way to tie them all back to the original point), so you're not going to get life stories. Therefore, you can call me Khanus, though I answer to several other character names. Khanus is a Feral Druid and primary tank for Epilogue(H) of Icecrown-US, a guild I have been with for some two years or so. I have been playing WoW since about half a year prior to the release of The Burning Crusade. Since day one, I have worked to be the best player I can, because, well, what's the point of playing if you're not striving to play better than you did yesterday? Because of this, I play a lot of alts. To me, if you really want to learn your class well, learn the other classes. You will better understand the mechanics of your own class as well as understanding the capabilities of your fellow players. To date, I have 6 80's, all on Icecrown, but I will introduce my characters in a later post (or posts, as will likely be the case).

So what can you expect from this blog? Well, my dear reader, you can expect commentary on tanking, not just from a feral druid perspective, but from that of every tank class (yes, 4 of my 6 80's are tanks). Expect also to hear about frustrating raids, my dislike for failing, and some general commentary on WoW itself and upcoming changes/development.

So if you're not bored enough already by an unnecessarily long intro post, please bookmark the site, check back often, and open up discussions in the comments. Help me care about this site.


  1. I look forward to some good tanking commentary to start off Khanus. I have been doing some tanking on my druid alt and could use another good resource.

    One thing I have not been able to find. Since the patch/badge change prioritizing badge upgrades is tough. I would love to hear your thoughts on "must have" pieces for gearing up outside of raids.

  2. so far i like what i see ...

    keep it up ...

