What I'd like to talk about today comes from experiences I've had with a little Death Knight ability called Army of the Dead. See, this ability is one of the most frustrating things you can use while you are NOT the tank, and it got me thinking about some of the things that people do while I'm tanking that really set me off. Stick to these tips, and you will have a happy tank. A happy tank that just might actually get his main character to run that next heroic because he likes you so much, he wants you to have fast, effortless badges.
Army of the Dead: I'm gonna start with this one because it's what got me thinking in the first place. I'd like to explain something beforehand, though. I think this is a really cool ability, and it's very defining of the class. In fact, it's what got me most excited about Death Knights from the pre-release videos. The problem lies with execution. See, it's not, from what I can tell, meant to be used during a boss encounter. Why do I think that? Well, if you read the tooltip of the spell, it states "Summons an entire legion of Ghouls to fight for the Death Knight. The Ghouls will swarm the area, taunting and fighting anything they can. While channelling Army of the Dead, the Death Knight takes less damage equal to
Overanxious DPS: Hey, Mr. Rogue. Guess what? I have 30,000 more hit points than you do, as well as talents that flat reduce the damage I take. That boss won't even bother to chew when he gets a hold of you. Why do you insist on engaging the encounter for me? I am perfectly capable of grabbing that patrol, or starting this fight. I don't need you to do it for me. Sure, you might get lucky and my tank reflexes will kick in, sending me running for my snap aggro button, but why risk it? What profit you to begin DPS'ing before anyone if you lay flat on the ground by the end? And while we're at it, don't go straight into your DPS rotation, blowing all your
Stand BEHIND the tank: In a perfect world, this wouldn't be an issue. Sure, I can understand jumping the gun on DPS during a fight. I've been guilty of it myself. But this one really gets me. Imagine this: you're in a heroic. See that patrol coming? Well, so do I. And as a tank, I have learned that patrol's path. I know how close they will get. I am standing in a place that will either give me the best chance of snap aggro, or will allow me to avoid pulling them or double pulling two packs. So do the world a favor, and get behind me. Unless I tell you otherwise, always ALWAYS stand behind where I am standing. I'm there for a reason, I want you there too. Think of the tank as your shield. You wouldn't run at an opponent with your shield behind you, would you? No, that would be stupid. So don't do it. Grant me, at the very least, that little luxury.
Favorite things to annoy tanks (Paladin):
ReplyDeleteTaunts: Paladins have two ranged taunts on a short cooldown. Use with discretion.
BoSalv - A little less effective than it used to be, but hard to notice for the tank when they are in the middle of combat, constantly receiving small, temporary buffs. Good for keeping a tank on their toes in old content, or for getting aggro back to the MT when the OT gets too big for their britches.
BoP - Ah, it might be huge and noticeable these days, but its one of the best ways to get rogues killed in the game. A good tank will quickly click it off, but the damage will be done.
DI - Okay, if you are REALLY serious about this, then DI is guaranteed to get the job done. It is a full aggro wipe combined with the inability to do anything until they can click off the buff, and unlike BoP it has a 3 minute duration (!). Horde tanks will be less familiar with this trick than Alliance- one of my favorite tricks back in the old world was to MC a Horde then DI them; they had no clue what happened to them. Some of you old school people might remember less scrupulous paladins doing this to a certain BWL boss...
That said, use good judgment with all of this. Keeping the tank on their toes when doing boring content is fun and games, but screwing up a progression kill is verboten in my book.
Tanking is like waiting tables
ReplyDeleteeveryone should have to do it at some point in their lives. it gives perspective.
I have been tanking a lot on my druid lately. I did the same thing last summer as well. It makes me a better dpser on my main.
That's misses Rogue to you!