So, in case you haven't heard the news (and if you haven't, SHAME ON YOU for not keeping up with the WoW community, but hey, that's what I'm here for), Blizzard is re-tooling a beloved old raid encounter for patch 3.2.2. Which raid encounter, you ask? Well, it just so happens that Azeroth's own Onyxia raid encounter will be joining the ranks of level 80 raid content.
Yes, Blizzard, after oft saying that old content is old, and yet bringing us Naxxramas in Northrend (in all fairness, not many people actually did get the chance to raid Naxxramas), is at it again. This time the iconic WoW dragon Onyxia (they say they have made updates to the encounter, like maybe she deep breaths more!). And like Naxxramas, Onyxia will drop loot based on the level 60 loot table, she will be available as a 10 or 25 player raid encounter, and yes, much like Naxx, will no longer be a level 60 dungeon. This has me a bit torn...
Disclaimer: I have never fought Onyxia with a full level 60 raid group. I have also never ventured into the level 60 version of Naxxramas. I had seen Onyxia raids happen, had watched the videos, and read about the fight. It was something I looked forward to while leveling to 60, but never got a chance to run appropriately. Sure, like everyone, I ventured back when they removed the key requirement, but it's not the same as running the actual encounter the way it was meant to be. So this change should be for the better, right? I'll get to see the encounter in all its majesty. Maybe...
Onyxia is just one fight, though, and the mechanics are unique to most dragon encounters (of which there aren't many), so I'm hopeful that it won't feel stale. I used to want to see old content re-tooled for max level, because I didn't get to see much of it at the time. But after seeing Naxx updated, I'd be fine with just fresh NEW content. Yeah, yeah, if I haven't seen it, it's new to me, but if I've seen a minor tweak version with a fresher coat of paint then, well, yeah, I HAVE seen it. One thing that does redeem this a bit for me is Blizzards oh so subtle hint about Quel'Serrar: "The tier 2 helms aren't the only models we wanted to reuse, that's all I'm saying.-Bornakk". Yeah, that's about as subtle as the proverbial Elephant in the corner. Tier 2 helms? Yeah, who cares, you already DID reuse them (BC heroics, look it up). But at least I can gear up two of my tanks with the oh so sexy tank sword of old, so that's gotta be worth some points. And oh yeah, Ony's a mount!
Well, as a person with > 200 days of pre-80 playtime, I feel a little bit of nostalgia tainted by an overwhelming sense of 'been there, done that'. I think we killed her between 50 or 75 times. Near the end, we used to fight her with increasingly outrageous handicaps (no shield on the tank, tanking with bosalv, healers dpsing, ect.) simply because we were so tired of the old content. Naxxramas 40, OTOH, was one of the most unique, brutal, and fun challenges to ever grace WoW, even if in retrospect a lot of the challenge came from the inevitable carrys that you brought into a 40 man raid.
ReplyDeleteIf I see AQ 25 or MC 25, someone will pay.
That said, seeing level 80 Judgement armor has me giddy :D.
a) I've killed Ony a million and one times as a 60 NE Hunter way back when, and I'd love to kill her a million more times as an 80 Rogue (notice BE is omitted here... regrets...)
ReplyDeleteb) Ony as a mount, in my opinion, is ridiculous. Really, really ridiculous.
c) I wonder how they'll rework the achievements for those (most?) of us who have gone back and killed old Ony
d) I'm with Vhail. The day I see AQ25 or MC25 is the day I'll make the peon cry (again).